Miracle Hill Ministries: Dan’s Story


Sometimes the journey from homelessness to stability involves many organizations working collaboratively to create a supportive system for individuals or families seeking stability.

This was the case for Dan. While serving a sentence for drug charges, a friend recommended that Dan reach out to David Gay with Triune Mercy Center who sent Kreg Kimmons, who also works at Triune Mercy Center. Kreg directed him to a bed at Miracle Hill Ministries emergency shelter for men when he was released from jail in July 2018. Jeremy Huff became his case manager as he moved into the Greenville Rescue Mission. These connections created a support team for Dan, helping him to build relationships and trust in a safe environment.

The Greenville Rescue Mission offered Dan a place to live, a community, counseling and case management. They also connected him with other key organizations including Greater Greenville Mental Health Center, New Horizon Family Health Services, and others that helped Dan move through recovery toward long term stability.

Prior to his interaction with the justice system, Dan was a career chef, and he was very helpful in the kitchen at the Greenville Rescue Mission while working on his goals. He would use his own experience in recovery and in the kitchen to begin pouring into the lives of other men.

Since leaving the mission a few years ago, Dan has continued to grow despite many challenges, including cancer. In August of this year Dan came on as a staff member at the Greenville Rescue Mission as the Assistant Kitchen Manager. Dan is also celebrating four years of sobriety and hopes that his story will “encourage others to be sympathetic to people because we never know what others may be going through.”

1,919 of the 3,281 total men, women, and children who experienced homelessness in Greenville County in 2019-2020 stayed in emergency shelters.  Shelters provide housing, case management, meals, opportunities for personal hygiene, and access to medical attention. 

Miracle Hill Ministries is South Carolina's largest and most comprehensive provider of services for people experiencing homelessness.  Their Greenville County men’s emergency shelter, the Greenville Rescue Mission, is the largest in the state of SC. 

To learn more, visit miraclehill.org

Dan is pictured with Jeremy Huff, now the Director of the Greenville Rescue Mission.


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